Reality Quest & Retreat


A Mind-Blowing AI-Powered Quest & Retreat Where You Nail Down Your Path & Discover the Meaning of Your Life.


🔘 Do you feel that some vital ingredient has gone missing from your life?
🔘 Do you wonder why you are doing what you are doing?
🔘 Are you frustrated and uncertain about the direction of your life? 

If you feel lost and deprived of a sense of purpose, this Reality Quest & Retreat brings meaning to your life, creating satisfaction, happiness, and ease in your everyday living.

Free Time

Amidst the tranquility of endless wilderness around horses, coyotes, bobcats, eagles, hawks, and hummingbirds, you will catch up with yourself. You will discover the meaning of your life and connect with the happy feeling of freedom.


This is the retreat for those who want to wake up excited every morning, curious about what the day has to offer, and fall asleep at night feeling accomplished.

By combining the details of action with the meaning of your life, you can focus on what makes you happy. Your certainty about the meaning of your life continuously moves you forward and takes you to new heights.

This Reality Quest & Retreat thrusts a higher power of energy into your already functioning system, resulting in a day-to-day life that is more productive, powerful, and peaceful.


Experience the real native California while you free the authentic you.


Nestled in the heart of California lies the historic Bar SZ Ranch, a 2200-acre sanctuary that invites you to immerse yourself in an authentic ranch lifestyle.

Once the sacred land of the Mutsun tribe, the region echoes with the memory of its past - from the 1700s when Father Juan Crespi christened the San Benito River to the advent of the mining era in 1857 and the shifting political landscapes of the 20th century.

The ranch has had an illustrious cast of characters pass through its fences, from legendary horse Doc Bar to renowned artist Thomas Kinkade, whose luminescent landscapes were inspired by this very land.

Today, the Borland family, the dedicated stewards of the ranch, breathe life into its legacy.


The Bar SZ Ranch's Ranch House, perched atop a secluded hill with sweeping views of the ranch below, will be your home during the retreat.

The house stretches out over an expansive 4,300 square feet. It comprises a self-contained apartment and an exclusive pool, complemented by an accompanying pool house.

The home welcomes you with a circular porch that weaves its way around the house and six comforting bedrooms nestled within. The green carpet of the sprawling lawn invites you to bask in its tranquillity, while fireplaces both inside and out add an intimate touch to this serene refuge.

The Ranch House isn't merely a getaway - it's your sanctuary, a serene antidote to the urban cacophony.

During our discovery sessions, you will sink down on a comfortable sofa while acquiring paradigm-shifting insights. In the spacious living room, you will relax, reflect, and share insights.

After a day of new wisdom and bewildering experiences, we will settle down under the milky way or in front of a fire with howling coyotes in the background.


Although the food is not the central focus of our retreat, the meals are created to elevate your well-being.


You will be served homemade healthy, energizing, and appetizing meals three times a day.


Before the retreat, we will get your preferences to inspire our "House Elf" to create magic meals in alignment with your wishes.
The morning meal is meant to boost your energy for the day. You build your own healthy breakfast from various selected ingredients — including fresh eggs from the Ranch's free-roaming chickens.


After an intense morning of experiences, you will enjoy a break with a homey and hearty lunch.
The purpose of the evening meal is to amplify your insights and progress. Dinner will be adapted to attendees' moods. It can be an elegant event around the dining table or a casual barbecue in front of the fire.
Every meal has veggie, vegan, and meat options to satisfy your needs and taste buds. Also, you will enjoy freshly made bread — with gluten-free alternatives.


AI-Powered LifeSpider Coaching™

The Quest & Retreat Program is Designed to Suit Your Free Spirit & Brilliant Brain.


Discovering the meaning of your life is something that cannot be taught in a traditional lecture format. Instead, it must be experienced to be understood. 


The entire retreat is based on experiential learning, which generates lasting results.

Our activities combine the highest energy and the lowest material techniques realigning your soul, body, mind, and spirit to ensure you find clarity.

We are blending practical life management methods with profound self-discovery and transformational work.

The program delivers reality-based tools, exercises, and strategies that are immediately evident and help you reach your pinnacle.


In our daily discovery sessions, we enable your LifeSpider to uncover the meaning of your life.

Your activated Lifespider™ contains 19 elements that spell out who you are. LifeSpider System™ is the discovery of how to reveal your authentic self, which includes the answer to the question, "What is the meaning of your life?"

Your Lifespider™ explains who you are, what you do, and where you place yourself in the world. Your LifeSpider™ is your unique "life code" that only needs activating once in a lifetime. The code contains your real driving forces and life purposes linked to six individual Life Projects that all emerge from your essence.


We are pioneering a revolution in personal transformation using generative AI within the LifeSpider coaching framework.

This approach goes beyond conventional coaching; it reshapes the narrative, marrying human intuition with AI power for a transformative personal and professional journey.

The key is in leveraging your personal information archives through AI-curated prompts, enabling you to discover effective self-discovery techniques for your growth.

Your LifeSpider Connect the Dots of Your Past, Present, & Future. 

The meaning of your life, written down on your LifeSpider™ Template, will be your roadmap, mentor, and guide for the rest of your life.

Your LifeSpider™ connects your past, present, and future and gives you a cohesive purpose of your experiences through life.

Your LifeSpider™ gives you a deep understanding of why hard times and happy moments have crossed your life path.

This clarity makes it easy for you to let go of things that bother your mind, confuse your soul, and hurt your heart.



Experiential learning involves faithfulness to the laws of life, which means we allow time to absorb new knowledge. Each of our understandings manifests in its own way, resulting in a flow of creative vitality.


Being genuine and sincere about your nature


Expressing your wisdom and brilliance.


Communicating your expertise and uniqueness


Feeling the ease and freedom to choose


Exerting your universal impact & power


Seeing your piece in the bigger picture


Acquiring knowledge from your intuition


Knowing how to gain pleasure & joy



There will be an abundance of alone time for you to manifest your experiences.


Walk along the creek, hike, or ride a guided trail through the beautiful San Benito backcountry.


You can increase your sharpness by trying out marksmanship and archery. Meet rescued American Mustangs or just cuddle in with our furry friends.


Jump, scream, or dance to share your feelings with nature, or find your favorite place to meditate or listen to the silence.


Pinnacles National Park

Pinnacles National Park is a unique destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers. It is home to spectacular rock formations, rare talus caves, and diverse wildlife, including the majestic California condor. You can enjoy camping, hiking, caving, and birdwatching in this park and learn about its volcanic history and conservation efforts. Pinnacles is where you can connect with nature, challenge yourself, and have fun. That’s why I want to go there for a retreat.

Back Home, Your Personal Paradigm Shift Will Reflect Your Thoughts, Feelings & Actions.

🕸️ You integrate the meaning of your life with your professional goals and life visions. 🕸️ You design your day-to-day activities in alignment with your true, authentic, and genuine self. 🕸️ You fall asleep satisfied with your accomplishments and wake up energized for a new auspicious day. 🕸️ You inspire and influence others only by being you. 🕸️ You prioritize and focus on what makes you happy. 🕸️ You experience fewer difficulties and perceive hardship as challenging opportunities. 🕸️ You drop unwanted rules that are dictated by others and start living the life you want. 🕸️ You make expeditious choices and decisions based on your intuition. 🕸️ You barely procrastinate and follow through with your intentions. 🕸️ You govern your life and refuse the fast-paced world to take over your life.


Birgitta Granström: Innovator in AI-Powered Coaching and Founder of LifeSpider System™

Birgitta Granström has dedicated her life to exploring one fundamental question: "What is the meaning of your life?" This quest has led her to create the LifeSpider System™, a unique coaching methodology that combines traditional personal development techniques with cutting-edge AI technology.

With over 25 years of experience in personal development, Birgitta has coached thousands of clients, trained hundreds of coaches, and conducted more than 30,000 hours of research in fields as diverse as philosophy, religion, quantum physics, and metaphysics phenomena. This extensive background has allowed her to develop a deep understanding of the human psyche and the factors that drive personal growth and transformation.

Born, raised, and educated in Sweden, Birgitta is a pioneer in the coaching industry. She founded the first ICF Accredited Coach training in Sweden, setting a new standard for professional coaching in the country. Today, she continues her innovative work from her base in California.

Birgitta's current focus is on leveraging the power of AI in coaching. As an early adopter of ChatGPT, she is at the forefront of integrating AI into the coaching process. Her innovative approach involves training coaches on using AI to ask insightful questions, enabling a deeper level of self-discovery for their clients.

She is currently reconstructing her Self-coaching program to include Generative AI tools. This approach allows for accessing an individual's information archive, helping ChatGPT find the best questions and self-discovery techniques.

Birgitta's unique approach and the combination of nature, technique, and AI-powered coaching offer a transformative personal and professional journey.

Birgitta's work with the LifeSpider System™ and AI represents the next evolution in coaching, offering a powerful new tool for personal transformation.

Coaxing Your Blind Spots & Find Your Essence

Birgitta works with intense, complex, and efficient people, and her way of operating is unique. Instead of asking straight questions, she coaxes around in a way that you can't explain. She makes your answers come naturally without thinking. Some solutions are expected, but most of them will highly surprise you.

Birgitta has a powerful radar and always finds the common thread and makes you find it too. 

Gain Wisdom

Receive Answers

Decipher Thoughts

Exceed Abilities

Challenge Your Performance & Laugh out Loud


Birgitta's foremost strength is her stunning intuition and skill to navigate past your blind spots and find your essence. She is an excellent team builder and magically makes any group of people obtains a profound level of trust & a non-judgmental condition.

The fact that she is quick and has lots of humor makes your journey pleasantly surprising with sincere, enjoyable tears & many heartfelt waves of laughter.

Exquisite Trust

Stay Connected

Chat Meta

Laugh out Laud


Mia Axelson

🇸🇪 Sweden
Professional Coach, Negotiator & Mediator


Being with Birgitta was like coming home to myself! Birgitta's sharp eye perfected the wilderness experience. She saw me clearly before I was clear to myself.

She gave me a friendly but determined push out of the eagle's nest to catch the wind. At the mountaintop, things became clear. Birgitta's genius and wisdom are beyond this world. 

The experiences I have from living with Birgitta are absolutely magical — really high-level magic! I am so grateful to have been involved in this and would recommend everyone to go there. 

Frida Kabo

🇳🇿New Zealand
Sensitive Success Coach, HSP, Intuitive


Traveling to Birgitta and staying in her magical valley is the best investment I've done in a long time.

So wonderful to be in a place where I was totally free to be me without judgment and to share the experience with others. 

Birgitta is brilliant and knows exactly what is needed to expand the process. We had time for self-reflection, coaching, interesting deep conversation, laughing, and crying.

 We also had time for unexpected talent sharing, like belly dancing and a swim in the waterfall. 


Sophie Loof

🇿🇦 South Africa
Family Business Owner & Philanthropist Lööf Foundation


The Life Spider has increased my understanding of both myself and my surroundings.  I accomplish everything with greater confidence because I know it’s right when it suits into my LifeSpider. 

One of my six intentions in my LifeSpider includes the fact that ” to save lives,” so thanks to LifeSpider System I have started Loof Foundation — a philanthropic non-profit foundation that wants to contribute to others’ development and well-being. 

Some of the ongoing projects are Home of Hope, a family home the foundation built for orphans in Nepal, Love Lions Alive Sanctuary in South Africa and Home of Health & Babies in Kenya. 


Ylva Beck

🇸🇪 Sweden
Round the world sailor, author & motivational speaker


The spider has outlined my full potential and has helped me express my essence in a clear and direct way. I use the spider to build future projects and success. No other tool has clearly stated what drives me and how I should utilize it. I use the LifeSpider at the crossroads I meet. It is easy to make the right choices when I have my life intentions in front of me. I am amazed how easy it was to draw and build the LifeSpider.

I am convinced that the more people that find their LifeSpider, the better place the world will be. As a coach, Birgitta sees the core of me and enables me to develop in new and bigger ways.

Robyn Weins

🇨🇦 Canada
A perfectly flawed weirdling with a mission to impact humanity


Birgitta Granstrom's AI coaching with Life Spider Academy is profoundly transformative, merging AI's power with deep human understanding. Her work uniquely empowers, validating individual self-worth and fostering mental wellness.

Birgitta's expertise provides a pathway to self-discovery and resilience, encouraging the embrace of our "weirdness" as a strength. Her cutting-edge contributions to personal growth are invaluable, inspiring personal authenticity, and have the potential for societal change. With Birgitta's guidance, expect a transformative journey towards empowered self-growth. 


Deanna Rohrsheim

🇦🇺 Australia
Specialist trauma Focusedcounseling, Director Healing Ground Collective.

My work with Birgitta has been nothing short of transformational. Her approach to removing blocks to success is unique and revealing. The Life Spider system allowed me to identify and unleash my driving forces - and map out my soul intentions and link these to life projects. Birgitta's warm manner and authenticity provided a safe space for me to delve into parts of myself that were getting in the way! The entire process was enlightening, engaging, challenging and at times very funny (to embrace parts of myself that have been long hidden). I now have a road map for my unique self - one that will continue to grow and expand. Thank you Birgitta for helping to unleash the diamond in me :) 

Aril Mahoney

🇺🇸 USA
Podcast Radio Personality and Host @ On the Edge with April Mahoney


What a tangled web we weave said the spider to the fly." I know many of us have heard that at one point in our life. What it is saying is that life can be filled with challenges that can have us feeling conflicted entangled and confused not knowing nor understanding our true life's purpose. The beauty of being caught up in a web however, is that you have an opportunity to be still and build a life by design that is both engaging and purpose driven with many options and paths to navigate. This is what working with Brigitta Granstrom the founder of the Life Spider System has taught me truly life changing.


Quest Program On Site


Morning 7 am – 11.30

Dream catch up Opening meditation Breakfast LifeSpider Session


Mid-day 12.30-4pm

Lunch Transformational excursion LifeSpider Session. Snack/treat


Afternoon 4pm-7pm

Alone time Connect with animals. Hike in the wilderness. Dinner


Evening 8 pm-9 pm

Sharing and Talking, Night shift preparation. Closing Meditation.

Pre-Quest Program Online

The purpose of the pre-part is to smoothly make you ready for your personal paradigm shift. During those sessions, we remove unnecessary blocks and enable parts of your personal LifeSpider. After our pre-session, you realize your importance from a broader perspective, and you know that you are on your way to finding the real meaning of your life.

Post-Quest Program Online

 The purpose of the post-program is to secure that you efficiently are using your Lifespider outside the retreat bubble. We want you to create a new habit of living in alignment with your meaning & purposes of your life. Also, we will finetune your LifeSpider and deepen your learning about how to magnify your "life code" in your day-to-day life.

Is This Retreat Your Path to Transformation?

Welcome and fill out the application.

This retreat is designed for individuals who are deeply committed to their personal evolution. It's not a casual getaway; it's an intensive journey of self-discovery and transformation.

While the retreat offers healing and relaxation, it's not about lounging around. It's about maximizing your investment in yourself, pushing your boundaries, and stepping outside of your comfort zone. As such, we require all potential participants to fill out an application. This process ensures that we can maintain a group of like-minded individuals who are all dedicated to their personal growth and are ready to take their evolution seriously.

After receiving your application, Birgitta Granström will personally contact you to schedule a short call. This call will help ensure that this retreat is the right event for you and that you can get the most out of your experience.


Embrace Your Evolution Now!
Your Application

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery? Are you prepared to balance your spiritual and material needs and unlock your authentic potential? Don't wait for another moment.

Embrace your evolution now! Fill out the application form today and take the first step towards a more fulfilled, balanced, and purposeful life. Birgitta Granström is waiting to guide you on this incredible journey.

Dates & Significance


October 18 and November 1, 15, at 10:00 am, PST


November 27 - 30, 2023

Arrival Thursday afternoon with registration and gathering Departure
Sunday Afternoon

This retreat is strategically scheduled to coincide with the Beaver's Full Moon on November 27, 2023,  which signifies the inevitability of change. Without immediate action, we are invited to dream, develop new ideas, and manifest our desires. 



December 13,  27, 10:00 am PST


Next Retreat: April 23 - 26, 2024. The Pink Moon in April is a sign of renewal and rebirth.  It's a powerful time to embrace what gives us joy.


Investment & Inclusion



Pre, Post, and On-site LifeSpider meditations, sessions, and teachings, all led by Birgitta Granström.

You will also receive documentation and participate in AI-powered exercises that are designed to facilitate deep self-discovery and personal growth.

Your investment covers your accommodation from Thursday through Sunday at the tranquil Ranch House.

All meals are included. This begins with an afternoon snack and dinner on Thursday. On Friday and Saturday, all meals are provided. The retreat concludes on Sunday with a nourishing breakfast and lunch.  


Location & Travel


Bar SZ Ranch, 1989 Old Hernandez Rd  Paicines CA: Set on 2200 acres in a valley of its own. Come and enjoy iconic California oak trees, golden hills, and views of the surrounding mountains.

The ranch is right down the road from Pinnacles National Park.

How to get there.

Ask ChatGPT for the best travel route:


I'm planning to attend a retreat at Bar SZ Ranch, 1989 Old Hernandez Rd, Paicines, CA. I need to arrive there by November 27, 2023, at 2 pm. Can you help me find the best route from [Your location]

Fill Out Your Application