Create A Vision Board - Don't Make These 14 Mistakes!

This blog post lists 14 mistakes people make when creating their vision board. You'll also get 14 tips on avoiding making the same mistakes, so you can create a Vision Board that won't let you down but brings you success.
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How To Avoid 14 Fatal Mistakes When You Create Your Vision Board.
Vision Board Mistake #1: People never question their dreams before adding them to their vision board.
The biggest reason why a Vision Board doesn't work is that they chose the wrong dream. Most people build their dreams on collective values and norms for what "success" is. Values that are not their own.
They add a vision Vision they don't want —for most people unconsciously—to attain. Nothing becomes real if you and your unconscious mind aren't on the same track. How do you know your dream is right?
➲ Solution & Tips: Be aware of what values and norms control your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Values are the foundation of our lives. They form the basis of our decisions and actions. We often take values for granted without realizing how they shape us to become who we are.
Values operate in the background, subtly influencing what we do and think. Knowing what controls your thoughts and actions allows you to question those that don't belong to you and adopt those that do.
⚈ What values have to decide what you have on your Vision Board?
⚈ Do you want what you have added to your Vision Board?
⚈ How do you know your visions are yours?
⚈ Why do you want to achieve your visions?
Vision Board Mistake #2: People condition their dreams and never add them to their Vision Board.
Conditioning is a process of reinforcing behavior by rewarding it. Pavlov taught dogs to expect food when a bell rang using this behavior modification technique. The method might work for training animals, but it's less successful for humans.
People tend to condition their dreams with statements like "when the children grow up, then I will," "when I have saved some money, then…" It's a crappy method for fulfilling your dreams since the bell may never ring, and if it does, the food might be gone.
➲ Solution & Tips: Put in some effort to be aware of how you are conditioning your dreams.
Instead of waiting for an opportunity—that might not exist—you can choose to act on opportunities as they come. No matter how you are conditioning your vision, add it to your vision board and figure out what micro action you can take to get closer to that vision.
Your creative juices will start flowing once you turn your thoughts into actions, and opportunities will show themselves. It might lead you to a new opportunity where the situation has dissolved, and you're on a highway toward your dreams.
⚈ In what way could you demolish your conditions?
⚈ What would happen if the situation suddenly dissolved?
⚈ How would it feel not to have this condition standing in the way of your dreams?
Vision Board Mistake #3: People passivate their dreams by forgetting to nourish them.
Young people are filled with dreams and want to change the world. They want to make a difference. They want to do something that matters. Later in life, they are constantly trying to balance their day-to-day lives with the desires and needs of their mind and soul.
What they once loved to do, what they dreamed about, and their excitement for life are gone. They become so focused on their responsibilities that they passivate their dreams by forgetting to nourish them. Consequently, they feel lost, alone and tired.
➲ Solution & Tips: Make time for self-reflection and take a trip down the memory line.
To make sure you don't forget your dreams, take the time to re-evaluate yourself regularly. Take the time for self-reflection, remember your past, and take a trip down memory lane to bring back your passivated dreams.
You might be surprised by how many dreams you thought were gone suddenly come to life and feel more vivid than ever. You will also discover how you, over the years, unconsciously have prepared yourself with what you needed to awaken and realize the passivated dream.
⚈ What dreams have you forgotten?
⚈ What can you do to nourish your dreams?
⚈ How do you feel about adding a passivated dream to your Vision Board?
⚈ What can you do to keep your "old dreams" alive?
Vision Board Mistake #4: People use their vision board as an escape instrument.
Many people are unhappy with their current circumstances, so they seek an escape. People use dreams as an escape instrument and engage in "dissatisfaction dreaming."
They think fulfilling what's on their vision board is the only way out of the current situation, for example, quitting a tedious job or ending a destructive relationship. Their dream is tied to a weight and can't freely flow.
➲ Solution & Tips: Take a break from your dream, focus on building your strength, and accept or solve your current situation.
People can spend their lives striving to escape an unsatisfactory life, but this is a never-ending cycle. When you accept your situation and build your strength, you release energy, and your dreams get room to grow. Alternatively, you will replace your vision with a more vivid vision of attaining something instead of escaping.
It's not about changing what you're running from but what you're trying to attain. In those situations, you always benefit from learning more about yourself and discovering who you are without the ongoing limitations.
Vision Board Mistake #5: People ignore what already has arrived and are blind to their accomplishments.
People underestimate the value of their results and compare their successes to others. Despite what they have accomplished, people consistently blind themselves to their accomplishments.
They have missed the dreams that have already been realized since they are unaware of what has occurred. Therefore, instead of taking advantage of the goal fulfillment energy, they create a belief system that says dreams will never materialize.
➲ Solution & Tips: Remember your childhood and which dreams you already have fulfilled.
An excellent way to fix this mistake is to go back in time and remember what your childhood dreams were. Look at what dream you had as a kid and which of those visions have come true!
What were you dreaming about that you achieved a long time ago? This thought exercise helps you gain energy from the "goal fulfillment energy" and increases your "possibility belief system."
Furthermore, you may recall a dream put on hold, but that will now retake the flight. We often think that childhood dreams only were something you wanted as a child, but if you think about it, you are still the same person, and it's never too late to achieve your visions.
Vision Board Mistake #6: People build their dreams and visions on unconscious fears.
People often fear their true selves, and unconscious "survival fears" and fears make people act irrationally. For example, when people dream of meeting their soulmate, their dream can be based on the fact that they cannot stand to be alone.
Another category of fear is "ego fears," which means people fear losing their designed identity. As a result, people build a vision to protect themselves from revealing anything that proves they are something other than they thought they were.
➲ Solution & Tips: Be aware of your fears and what you are trying to avoid.
Getting over fears begins with being aware of them and then identifying the fears' root cause. Fears manifest themselves in various ways that are not always apparent to you. One category of fear is "Survival Fears," which stems from a threat or a perceived threat to oneself or one's family/group members. Loneliness belongs to this category.
Survival fears can also include not having enough money to survive, triggering false dreams of "becoming a millionaire." Although it may seem difficult to overcome fears, an excellent place to start is to ask yourself;
⚈ What are you trying to avoid by achieving things on your vision board?
⚈ Who or what scares you?
⚈ Is there another way of preventing unwanted consequences if your dream doesn't come true?
Vision Board Mistake #7: People hold specific dreams in captivity.
The phrase "having a dream" is often associated with success, but it can also be a trap that captivates people into holding on to things that are no longer fulfilling. When this happens, the dream becomes a compulsion, and their vision is a prison.
The compulsion squelches passion, and dreams cannot come true without passion. Consequently, people believe they are unsuccessful because they haven't reached their vision.
➲ Solution & Tips: Find out how you have changed since your vision arose.
You have to realize when to let go of your dream and move on to the next one. You need to know when to let go of a dream because your visions have to change with you when you change.
If you sense that you might be at risk of captivating your dream, consider when the vision first arose.
⚈ Who were you back then?
⚈ How were the circumstances?
⚈ In what way have you, your skill, values, and environment changed?
⚈ Does this new version of you want to attain the same vision?
⚈ How would it feel to let go of the old dream?
⚈ What vivid vision would emerge if the old dream disappeared?
Vision Board Mistake #8: People combine their vision board with the wrong activities.
People make a vision board with the "right " vision and are highly motivated to take action. However, the idea of reaching their goals moves them in the opposite direction. They combine their dreams with the wrong activities, and their vision board becomes a disaster.
➲ Solution & Tips: Consider whether your activities take you further from what you want.
Before you channel your motivations into action, take a step back and ask yourself:
⚈ Is this a suitable activity to manifest your vision?
⚈ How confident are you that this will bring you closer to your vision?
The questions might not be as simple as they sound. It requires you to think about how the activity will affect your life and if it can cause you harm.
For example, in my early career days, my dream of freedom led me to believe running my own business would get me there. My activities took me far away from what I meant by liberty. My business overgrew into an organization with 300 employees; for a new business owner, that wasn't equal to freedom.
⚈ Can your action lead to a pitfall that moves you further away from your vision?
Vision Board Mistake #9: People build a vision board on their ego's wants.
Many people build dreams of what the ego wants. The problem is that the vision energy doesn't "live in" your ego's driving forces. In the vision phase, your ego "wants"— as attain, such as luxury, success, or fame—do more harm than good.
When people's visions are associated with things they need, must, or should have, it creates resistance and struggles to fulfill what's on their vision boards. The "need energy" doesn't carry the motivation for consistent action needed to achieve what's on their vision board.
➲ Solution & Tips: Ensure your vision is growing in your soul.
The dream energy exists in the soul and its desire to do something significant above personal needs. Rather than being tempted by your ego, lift your dreams to a higher level and give them a more extensive perspective where it matters to someone else.
When you let your soul point out the direction, your ego will fulfill its needs, too—as a consequence, not as a goal. You will call on your ego's beautiful power when it's time for action.
Taking your visions through your burning longing, passion, and generosity is easy. Make sure that your dreams live in the right place so you receive power from the source of your soul.
When you have a vivid vision that's strong enough, it will persevere through obstacles and find a way to manifest itself into reality. (learn more about your soul and its intentions)
Vision Board Mistake #10: People try to include others in their vivid vision.
It is too common for people to involve another person in their dreams and visions. They want their loved ones to be a part of their dreams. They begin to compromise with what's on their vision board to win others over to their vision.
As you now know, a vision that isn't authentic won't come true. The vision board will consciously or unconsciously remind and present itself as a "lie" or something they do not want to attain. As a result, their vision no longer remains whole and authentic.
➲ Solution & Tips: Embrace the fact that no one will care as much about your vision as you do.
Working with someone else on a vivid vision can be tempting, but you should protect your vision at all costs. If you don't, you will lose your creativity, determination, and authenticity. These are the things that make you unique, and they are the things that will turn your vision into reality.
Only when your dreams are connected to your deepest desires and transcend your walls of values can they become a reality. It's okay to join forces with someone else, but don't adapt or sell your dream to someone else.
Hold on to your original dream and protect it from distractions and interruptions. By staying focused on your vision, you can protect your original dream, knowing no one will have as much passion for realizing what's on your vision board as you do.
Vision Board Mistake #11: People schedule their dream attainment according to a linear timeline.
People are trying to control how, when, and how their vision will be reality. They try to control circumstances that have not happened yet, like their visions and dreams. People fear that everything will go wrong if they let go of their control.
The control phenomena—that kill their vivid vision— often emerge from anxiety about being alone, betrayed, or missing out on something. Therefore, they keep a better eye on the outer circumstance and the linear timeline than they do on themselves and their behavior.
➲ Solution & Tips: Take action on what's nurturing your dreams on your vision board.
Don't fall into the trap and become one who wants to control and make your vivid vision fit into a self-manufactured illusion. Your vision—your soul's—goal is to come alive and always choose the perfect timing that's rarely in tune with your linear schedule.
You often need to do, learn, or experience to give your vision an ultimate chance to survive. Trust yourself and the process because when your vivid vision is coming from the right place, it always finds its way to be manifested.
If you try to control and set a timeline for your dreams, you are more likely to never achieve them, at least not without a painful struggle. Your task is to nurture what's on your vision board. If you do, your vision will come true when the time is right.
Vision Board Mistake #12: People have a limited number of dreams and visions.
People with a low number of visions destroy the one they obtain because they fear losing it. Their fear of losing their visions constructs logical arguments to say no to change. They might refuse to change anything in their lives because it could lead them to lose the few things they have.
By focusing so intensely on what they have, people shut off their intuition, resulting in a self-sabotaging condition in which lack dictates their actions. Starting from a state of absence is not the best way to create a successful vision board.
➲ Solution & Tips: Exercise creativity and allow your intuition to refill your vision board with new dreams
Have many dreams. Have an ocean of visions. It's also important to know that you don't have to make your entire vision board in one bite. Your vision board is a living document. You can continuously add new visions and remove stuff from the vision board.
Know that you can always change your mind and wish for something else. Exercise creativity and trust your intuition to bring you new perspectives. Stay curious and see how you can expand the dreams you already have.
Finally, always be hungry to learn new things. Your brain loves information, and a happy brain creates a bridge to your soul that expands your visions.
Vision Board Mistake #13: People score and rank their visions.
The average person labels, scores, and ranks their dreams on a set scale by society or community. For example, a vision of a house by the sea ranks higher than a cottage in the forest.
Our monetary system cannot value a vision since it is not tradable. When people value their visions from someone else's scale, they lose the authentic drive they need to attain what's on their vision board.
➲ Solution & Tips: Never rank your vision or create your own validation system
The best thing to do is not to rank what's on your vision board at all. All visions should be of equal value for you to attain. Why would you put something on your vision board that you could replace for something else?
Everything on your Vision Board should feel equally exciting to attain. When your visions have the same value, you are free from linear timelines and can let go of stressful control. Instead, you can allow your passion for the day to decide what on your vision board you want to nurture.
No matter what you attain, vision-fulfillment has the same energizing feeling and delivers equal life satisfaction. If you're ranking your vision, create your validation system based on what is important to you, not what others think you should pursue.
Vision Board Mistake #14: People prioritize dreams over passion.
Even those with a high ambition to do what it takes to attain their vision board often fail. People fail because they lose their passion for their aim, and the vision becomes a burden. Some people get frustrated because they are unable to understand why their hard effort gives them what they want.
People think they are doing everything right "by the book," but unconscious, they act on adrenaline, not from passion. This phenomenon happens when their dreams become more important than their passion.
➲ Solution & Tips: Be aware of when your passion gets weak.
Lack of passion signifies that you are moving in a different direction than your vision. Passion means you coexist with everything you are doing. It makes you feel complete and whole in every moment. Passion is a condition where you are absorbed in what you do without thinking.
When you approach what you want with the right feeling, you will experience synchronicity, and everything goes your way. Freedom can only be achieved if you live your passion with your heart.
An excellent checkpoint to verify if you are acting on passion is to ask yourself:
⚈ Are you focused on your passion instead of your goals?
⚈ Do you know when you are acting on adrenaline or passion?
⚈ Are you taking actions that seem irrelevant?
⚈ When are you able to stay present at the moment?
Since passion is the ultimate driving force that always brings you in the right direction, you can screw your vision board. Your passion will never fail you. So the crucial mission for you is to find your true wishes and create a vivid vision that includes your emotion board. Your emotion board will unconditionally lead you in the right direction and make a reality of what's on your vision board.
With Big Successful Visions To You/Birgitta
Instead of attempting to guess what you want, learn how to create a Vivid Vision that aligns your thoughts, actions, and words with what you want. Make your desire a reality by joining the experiential workshop that leaves you with an exciting, unexpected, actionable vivid vision.
From this Vivid Vision, you will create the perfect vision board customized to your wants and smoothly guide you to your desired destination.
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